
Spiritual Growth




Want more information about what’s happening at Elizabeth Street to help you on your spiritual journey? Send us a message’



We are excited to offer PATHWAYS, which meets on Wednesdays at 5:30. You are invited to bring a snack or sandwich to enjoy as we meet. Following is more information about the study!

Spiritual but not religious?  Religious but not spiritual?
Questions about faith and church?  About how to live more deeply and how to grow personally and spiritually?
Want to know more about the United Methodist Church, its beliefs and history, and what it means to be part of a vibrant and growing community of faith like Elizabeth Street Church?
This includes long-time members, non-members, and people who have lots of questions or are bored and have nothing to do on Wednesday evenings.
Our time will begin with an informal bring-your-own dinner and community building and continue with Bible Study, church history, current events.  Learn something every session or your money back!

prayer resources

Online portals for daily prayer and devotional:

scripture and


books we


These are some books that have shaped our faith, and we hope you will consider reading them: